Commercial Applications

The explosive growth of residential
developments into rural areas with rock free soils provides owners
of REYNOLDS agricultural scrapers year round work excavating road
beds, raising building pads and leveling parking lots. Their ever
increasing acceptance due to simple design, maintenance and
operation remains reflected in their current resale value. REYNOLDS
new dual-purpose scraper models offer a three piece cutting blade
with a replaceable center section, either serrated and protruding
for RoughOUT work, or plain and even for a smooth ground finish.

Lakes and Canals
Housing located on the shores of a lake with waterfowl, a beach or
canal with a boat ramp offers an appealing life style. Environmental
legislation protecting aquifers and limiting sediment runoff now
requires that residential developers perform extensive land forming,
excavating and grading work, which can most economically be
performed by REYNOLDS scrapers. The typical developer may either
contract this work or chooses to buy our Scrapers which can also be
used to prepare the road beds, raising the housing pads, grading
ball fields etc.

Golf Courses
Championship golf course
developments often require moving millions of cubic yards of
soil creating greens, challenging water hazards, and
environmental features pleasing to the eye of the golfer.
The earthmoving contractor for the Mountain Falls Resort in
Pahrump, Nevada, selected REYNOLDS 34 cubic yard capacity
RoughOUT CarryAll Scraper trains pulled by CASE-IH
"QUADTRAC" rubber track power units because they could
operate when the soil was either wet and slick or dry and
hard. (CASE-IH and QUADTRAC are registered Trademarks of the
CNH Corp.) |